Blog posts by

Why enter writing competitions? by Ray Stone

The first thing we should ask ourselves is – Why competitions, what is their point, and why are they so important? It was not until serious writing competitions came about at the turn of the nineteenth century in 1901 when the first Nobel Literary prize was awarded. The age of modern fiction was born, and so were writing competitions. Since the 1901 Nobel prize for literature, other important writing competitions have been created. 1954 in Australia – The Miles Franklin award, 1969 The Booker award, the richest of them all, and 1993 The David Cohen Award in the UK. There are many more.

On Writing The Trader

Insights gained by jointly writing a serial

Writing Fearlessly

Writing Fearlessly
by Suraya Dewing

Stimulating Students to Engage with Writing by Anna Zhigareva

During the hour-long webinar a major realisation all who attended agreed on  was that the challenges teachers and students face today are global. Almost every teacher  - engaging students with writing is an ongoing battle. Stylefit hosted the webinar and were delighted to receive 40 registrations.

Teachers from across the globe shared their challenges, frustrations. Many were tired of being under pressure and hoped for a better solution for themselves and the students they cared about so deeply.

The value of giving writers thoughtful feedback

All too often someone giving feedback feels caught between trying not to dishearten the writer and being honest. If the reader has undertaken to give feedback as a friend, the relationship becomes even more fraught. 

However, if aspiring writers only receive praise without helpful suggestions for improvement those writers will never know what they can do to improve. They won't know what they don't know. 

Ideally a feedback giver will say what he or she liked about the writing, be specific about how it could be improved and then another comment about what appealed.

A Reader Avatar

A reader Avatar
by Suraya Dewing

A Reader Avatar

A reader Avatar
by Suraya Dewing

Selling Your Book: On How To Become A Millionaire by Andrew Harris


I’d love to say my book MORE has sold three million copies, been translated into 28 languages and the film rights have just been snapped up by Netflix. But I’d be lying.
Over the last six years, I’ve learned a few hard lessons about selling books. There is a code that can be cracked. My time will come.

Ghost Writing Challenges

Ghost Writing

By Hemali Ajmera (India)

I have come across very few writers who write solely for the joy of the craft. The commercial aspect always seeps in eventually. Most good writers try to blend the commercial aspect with the sheer joy of creating something that has truly inspired them. The resulting product is therefore unique.

Most writers write with their reader in mind. What would they like to read? What kind of language creates the greatest impact?  How they can develop the plot line to make it compelling?
